报 告 人:杨帆
报告时间: 2023年4月6日(周四)20:00——21:30
• 理解提示工程的原则和基础知识
• 掌握应用提示工程技术所需的知识和工具,以应用于自己的研究中
• 探索有效实施的高级技术和最佳实践
• 讨论提示工程的未来方向
Unleashing the Full Potential of AI Language Models with Prompt Engineering: Insights, Techniques and Best Practices
You may have tested out the amazing capacities of ChatGPT. However, did you know that prompt engineering can provide a crucial advantage in achieving optimal results generated by AI large language models? Are you interested in unlocking the full potential of AI language models? Then join us for an exciting presentation “Unleashing the Full Potential of AI Language Models with Prompt Engineering: Insights, Techniques and Best Practices" provided by Dr. Fan Yang. we will cover the basics of prompt engineering, principles, advanced techniques, best practices, and future directions.
Our learning goals include:
•Understanding the principles and basics of prompt engineering
•Equipping you with the knowledge and tools needed to apply prompt engineering techniques in your own research
• Exploring advanced techniques and best practices for effective implementation
• Discussing the future directions of prompt engineering
Join us for an engaging presentation that will take your research to the next level!
杨帆,公共管理学院劳动与社会保障专业青年教师,硕士生导师。2018年在美国阿拉巴马大学(全美专业排名42名)获得社会工作博士,主要研究领域为儿童福利、行为健康、公共医疗。以第一作者/通讯作者发表SCI/SSCI论文近十篇,其中JCR一区文章三篇,以联合作者身份著有英文专著一部,在跨学科国际会议上发表学术报告三十余次。承担美国州级基金课题两项(结项)和辽宁省省级课题一项。荣获美国公共医疗学会突出研究荣誉奖,美国阿拉巴马州社区合作理事会马丁路德金纪念奖青年拔尖人才等多个美国国家级和州级荣誉,辽宁省百千万人才工程万层次人才,大连市引进重点产业紧缺人才高级人才等众多荣誉。同时,长期担任Journal of Medical Internet Research等多个国际期刊的特约审稿人。承担本科和研究生双语课。